Our preschool (Birth-5) and King's Kids (K-5th) ministries offer a variety of opportunities to show and share the love of Christ with our children. Serving on a rotating schedule, volunteers work with our children's pastor and/or preschool director to help teach Bible-based lessons and facilitate ministry activities/events.

Our student ministry, "AXIOS", aims to disciple our 6th-12th graders to know Christ and make him known with an emphasis on doctrine and how to practically live out the Christian life. Volunteers help in a variety of ways including assisting in teaching Bible studies, helping coordinate discipleship activities, and mentoring.

Young Adults
Crossover serves our College/Young Adults with the goal of helping them think more deeply about and defend their faith as they put it into practice in their professional and academic settings. Volunteers study the Bible alongside our students and in invest in personal relationships with them beyond the walls of the church.

Those helping lead our church in musical worship serve under the direction of our worship leader on one of our two teams. Vocals, instruments, sound mixing, and visual media all play a part in facilitating the musical worship of God's people.
Each year, New Century hosts a variety of events around Roanoke aimed at reaching our community for Christ. In addition to helping with our outreach strategy, outreach team members help setup, facilitate, and tear down these events.

Prayer Corner
Prayer Corner volunteers are trained to offer need-specific prayer for individuals based on their needs and help arrange a follow-up with a pastor if necessary. This ministry takes place in our counseling center immediately after our worship service

Most church guests decide whether they will return to that church before the sermon starts. Our hospitality team - including greeters, snack/coffee servers, and the welcome desk host - help to create a warm, welcoming environment for new folks to explore the Gospel.

Our facility is used frequently and in regular need of cleaning, repairs, and general maintenance. In addition to cleaning the church once every 9-10 weeks, our facilities team serves as a "bullpen" for our deacon of facilities to call on for issues needing special attention.

New Century is passionate about missions and remains to committed to providing our members with opportunities to serve with our missionaries on the field and/or serve with a local church plant in Tirana, Albania - Logos Church.